Custom Domain / Vanity URL

Looking to use your own domain name with Sonoran CMS? We've made it easy for you!

Only the Community Owner will have access to change and view Custom Domain settings.

Custom domains require the pro version. For more information, see our pricing or view how to check your community limits.

Looking for VPS, web, or dedicated hosting? Check out our official server hosting!

Vanity URL's

Each community gets a FREE vanity URL, vanity URLs allow all communities to get access to the community homepage without a login.

You can also customize your Community ID.

Your community's vanity URL can be found in your Administrative Panel > Custom Domain.

The vanity URL will take users to the home page created in the website builder.

Custom Domain

Custom Domain requires a Pro subscription.

1. Enter your Domain Name

This can be a root domain or a subdomain

2. Configure DNS Records for your Domain

If you are unsure how to add a DNS record, you will need to contact your domain registrar. Or, you may purchase a new domain name with Sonoran Servers.

In your domain's DNS records, add a CNAME type record with:

Due to DNS requirements, if you wish to use the Apex / root domain instead of a subdomain (i.e. vs, you must have a domain registered with Cloudflare, or otherwise transfer your existing domain to Cloudflare.

  • Name set to the subdomain or @ for the root domain (see above note)

  • Content set to

Some DNS providers are different! Check with your DNS provider if using a "root domain" (i.e. instead of to see what to add as the name. Typically it is @ or left blank.

You will also need to add a TXT type record with:

  • Name set to sonorancms_verify_domain

  • Content set to your community's UUID, which is displayed in the Custom Domain prompt.

The example record below sets as the custom login page URL.

Cloudflare Users: Be sure to have the DNS record proxy DISABLED - and set to DNS Only.

If you are using Sonoran Servers, our company's server hosting, for your domain name please note the differences in how to enter the settings pictured below. Each DNS provider is a bit different and requires different input for the Host Name.

Typically the Host Name is left blank or in this case a @ is used to point the record at the root domain name of ""

3. Save the Custom Domain

When updating or changing an existing DNS record, it may take some time for the change to propagate (based on your TTL). You can try running ipconfig /flushdns in a Windows CMD window and restart your browser. Otherwise, you can test with other browsers/devices/users while you wait.

Press Set Custom Domain in the CMS to save.

Your new domain name will be shown below your vanity URL.


I can't see other communities when using a custom domain

Custom domains prevent other Sonoran CMS communities from being visible. You will need to use the root domain to view multiple communities at once.

Last updated