Edit profile fields on a community account found by API ID or account ID.
Request Body
[ {"id":"d9d1288e-3892-40d6-acc5-be2c3d294bd4","value": ["some","strings","for","array"] },...// This will return all profile fields that have data associated from the account]
{"id":"YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID","key":"YOUR_API_KEY","type":"EDIT_ACC_PROFLIE_FIELDS","data": [ {// User Identification"apiId":"SOME_API_ID",// Optional - must have one"username":"SOMEUSERNAME",// Optional - must have one"accId":"SOMEACCID",// Optional - must have one"discord":"111122223333444455",// Optional - must have one"uniqueId":1234// Optional - must have one// Configuration"profileFields": [ {"id":"d9d1288e-3892-40d6-acc5-be2c3d294bd4","value": ["some","strings","for","array"] }, ... // You can supply a min. of one profile field but can take as many "update" objects as needed. ] } ]}