Get Accounts

This endpoint allows you to get community accounts paginated by sysStatus, comStatus, banned and archived.

Get Accounts


Get Sonoran CMS community accounts paginated by sysStatus, comStatus, banned and archived.

Request Body

    "total": 10, // Total accounts found within parameters
    "skip": 0, // Accounts skipped in query
    "take": 25, // Min. 25, max amount of accounts that will be returned
    "accounts": [
            "accId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
            "accName": "TestAccount",
            "activeApiIds": ["000000000000000"],
            "discordId": "000000000000000",
            "sysStatus": true,
            "comStatus": true,
            "archived": false,
            "banned": false,
    "id": "YOUR_COMMUNITY_ID",
    "key": "YOUR_API_KEY",
    "type": "GET_ACCOUNTS",
    "data": [
            skip: number, // optional - total accounts skipped in query
            take: number, // optional - total accounts grabbed in query (min. 25 - max 100)
            sysStatus: boolean, // Within community acc parameter
            comStatus: boolean, // Active / pending community acc parameter
            banned: boolean, // Banned community acc parameter
            archived: boolean, // Archived community acc paramter

Last updated